Do you... Love to Save?

Love to save?
Yes, but money isn't the only thing we can save. =]

Love from Thirteen,

(click on the banner to help)
(*it's NOT an advertisement click =] )

It's charity-based donation activity launched by DiGi.

How does it work?

Step 1: Select your favourite charity

Step 2:
Choose how do you want to help (individual or as a group)

Step 3: Verify your email and Done!

Just for one click, DiGi will donate RM5 to the charity organization of your choice.

One click from you, RM5 from DiGi, it's that simple.
(note: you can only choose ONE charity body though, so choose the one you care the most)



I've clicked, which organization I supported? Well, it's on the banner. =] But it doesn't really matter which one supported right? Because its all up to you on which issue you care the most.




thirteen said...

Thanks =]

MiKaeL said...

suspended account?

13 said...

huh? mikael u mean?

mikael said...

done =]

13 said...


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